The Pulpit (Blog)

  1. Updates!

    2022-02-25 20:32:09 UTC
    I wouldn’t say the website is fully built yet, but I managed to upload and update some areas that were missing content. It’s going to take a hot minute before I catch up fully on everything, but it’ll be worth it once everything is done! I’ve separated out some of…

  2. Content Creator Challenges

    2022-02-03 16:26:28 UTC
    I’m not one to whine about being in a place where I can focus on content creation, but holy shit I am beyond done with the current Mercury retrograde. Every single time it falls within an air sign, it’s phenomenally bad   The past 40 days has been a mix of:1)…

  3. Mommy Made You Some Content

    2022-01-03 06:27:24 UTC
    This site is up and running. The spicy accountant site is up and running. Shoots for Q1 are planned and for the most part tentatively scheduled. I have content in the hopper ready for release. It’s only Jan 2nd and I’ve already hit the ground running.  LET’S DO THIS.

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